I can understand the first step. Comparing your votes with all other people in other to get a weight is probably useful with this very lenient way of rating.ATM the anime hint page tries to get a list of possible anime recommendations by first comparing all YOUR anime votes with the anime votes of all other anidb users.
This is used to create a weight (or score) for each user in relation to you.
The weight is a number calculated by adding 10 for each anime the other user voted exactly the same as you did. And adding 5 is the other user voted only one rating different (i.e. 8 instead of 9).
If the difference between votes is 3,4,5,6,7,8 or 9 a value of 2,4,6,8,10,12 or 15 is substracted from the weight for that user.
The resulting weights for the users are compared to the min. weight value from the input box. All users with a weight < min. weight are ignored from here on.
Now the votes of all remaining users for animes you haven't voted fore are checked. A score per anime is generated by adding the weight of the user*((vote-5)/5) per user vote.
But I don`t get that difference-voting. If you voted a 7 for someone, and the other votes a 3, that`s a huge difference of 4. Still, they extract only 4 points from the weight.
I would rather see it being done like this - if possible. Of course it needs to be tested as well.
Old system of comparing:
Same score: +10
Score +1/-1: +5 (votes look like: 8 and 7)
Score +2/-2: 0 (votes look like: 7 and 5)
Score +3/-3: -2 (votes look like: 7 and 4)
Score +5/-5: -6 (votes look like: 8 and 3)
New system:
Same score: + 40 (votes look like: 7 and 7)
Score +1/-1: +5 (votes look like: 8 and 7)
Score +2/-2: -5 (votes look like: 6 and 4)
Score with a difference of 3 or more: -20 (votes look like: 7 and 4)
This ensures that it will search for people and give lots of points to the people who voted the same as you. The same score will give a tremendous amount of points, while a difference of 3 or more will lower the score in a very harsh way. After all, if someone`s vote doesn`t differ it`s good to add points. Especially a lot of points if that person doesn`t differ at all.
Votes which differ with just +1/-1 aren`t rare. A lot of people have just a slight different feeling about most anime. An increase of 5 points doesn`t feel bad here.
If someone differs +2/-2 - well, that can happen. This person is unlikely to share your opinion, so the same amount should be substracted - also 5 points.
On the other hand, if someone votes 3 times with a difference of 3 or more, then he`s very unlikely to be synced with you. Even people with the same taste will hardly ever vote an anime which differs more than 2 from your vote. Ratings which differ with more than 4 (10 with 6, 7 with 3, etc) are indications that that person doesn`t share your opinion at all, therefor it should decrease the score with a lot more points, imo.
If someone votes a lot of times exactly the same as you, that should be rewarded with a lot more points. Before you used 10 points for a perfect match, while you only decreased 4 points when someone`s vote was a difference of 4.
Personally I think this would be a more fair system, but it`s also possible that I`m completely mistaken. Hopefully I`ll get a bit of feedback on this ... or the testing should prove my right or wrong