Wrongly marking files depracted - group have 2v [CLOSED]

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Wrongly marking files depracted - group have 2v [CLOSED]

Post by ricce »

Look at:
http://anidb.info/perl-bin/animedb.pl?s ... #eid_21385

And you will see that anime_fin have 3 files:
- jap - eng sub (fid: 66425)
- jap - multi sub (fid: 84649)
- jap - multi sup v2. (fid: 96676)

The only file that isn't deprakted is the v2 file - but this is just un update of the multi sub file - not the eng sub so the eng sub (fid: 66425) shuld not be marked depracted.

I have seen this problem at other places to but this is the only one I coud remember at the moment.
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Post by egg »

Actually, in this case, I think that it is appropriate that it is deprecated. The multi-language pack includes English and has higher resolution and video from DVD instead of TV. Actually, I would say the first multi-language should be v2 (more languages and better video) and the current v2 should be v3 (although their website shows it as a v2).
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Post by ricce »

OK but there is cases - where we have a goup tranlating an anime to two different languages (say english and german) and relese them in two different files. - then thay find errors in one of them (say the one translated to german) so they relese a v2 of that file.

In sush a case the group will have three files:
- One German (Depracted)
- One English (Depracted)
- One German v2.

Now the English shuld not be depracted - it's the only one with english sub the group ever relesed.

I'm sure I have seen this issue someware in the databas - but I can't remember what anime/ep it (or not even group) at the moment.
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Post by exp »

this problem seems kinda academic :P
IMHO if a group does really do releases in multiple different (not additional languages in one file) languages they should be thinking about using different group tags for the files anyway.

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Post by e-Viper »

on another note:

New rules state that a v2 (or higher) will not be issued if the codec (exaplle a4es double releases) or source changes (going from HKDVD to R2 DVD).

This means files should only be marked Depracted if source and codec is the same.

For codec I can understand the double v1 but for group that start re-releasing in a better format we should just mark the new files with highest current version+1 IMHO
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Post by e-Viper »

Does EXP has an opinion on this?