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[REQ] Multilangual episode titles

Posted: Wed Aug 22, 2007 8:44 am
by coverback
Hi! I don't really know if it's a request or a bug, I tried to search forums, but found only discussions about anime general titles.

When not logged in, the episode titles are shown like that: English (Japanese / Romaji), but when logged in there's only one language, which is chosen in Title languages in Profile.

I tried to choose 'none selected' to get the same behaviour as when not logged in, but it still resets to a language chose before. Like if it was English, after non selected remains English, if it was jap, Jap remains.

It'd be really great if someone would explain how to get English (Japanese / Romaji) style when logged in or, if that's not possible, please advise to whether i should create a req or bugfix tracker entry.


Posted: Wed Aug 22, 2007 5:54 pm
by exp
that should be a feature request, feel free to create an entry on the tracker.
