[!README!] official AniDB Feature/Bug Tracker

old granted and denied feature requests

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[!README!] official AniDB Feature/Bug Tracker

Post by exp »

AniDB now has an official Bug and Feature Request Tracker.
It can be found under:


Please note that your AniDB Website/Forum Account will NOT work on the tracker page, but you can browse the existing entries anonymously. However, if you want to submit a new request you will have to create a new account first!

More information about the tracker can be found here:
Documentation Forum - AniDB Tracker First Steps
Make sure you read ^ this before posting bug/feature requests!

Some additional notes:
  • when you create a new bug/feature request which is likely to require some discussion, create a new forum thread first and add a link to that thread to the request summary on the tracker.
  • forum posts should always contain a link to the tracker item they belong to (you will have to add this later by editing your post as you can't know the tracker url in advance :P)
edited by DerIdiot 30.05.05