[REQ][VOTES] Merge voting systems [DENIED/ONTODO]

old granted and denied feature requests

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[REQ][VOTES] Merge voting systems [DENIED/ONTODO]

Post by wahaha »

I guess, the "!vote" can be considered the overall rating. Why not add this one to the reviews while adding the reviews' votes to the respective animes.

Suggestions in detail:
> Add another drop-down for the "overall rating" to the reviews-page while using the same value as for the "votes".
> Compile the ratings of each category in the reviews to give "average animation rating", "average sound rating" and so on. Would be useful for any upcoming "similar rated anime"-function. ;)
> Maybe allow some kind of "short review"-feature with just the (detailed) votes without an extra text (to promote using it). If it's already possible to add a review without text, one could change the way they're displayed: All in a row on the reviews-page, maybe already the sum of all, sort them to the bottom.
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Post by Gambit »

As EXP stated before, people like to vote easy and fast, so better keep it that way. And it doesn`t have a real 'mid'-vote, like a 5.5 or something, so it`s not very accurate. The review-votes is better that way.

Personally, I`d like to see a bit more specific vote - so you can vote a 9.3 or a 5.5 or so to indicate it`s not entirely that mark.
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Post by Ultima »

I agree with Gambit... i think ppl would like an easy way to vote. If they were very serious about their voting.. they could add a review
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Post by exp »


that's exactly my point.
if ppl just want to do a quick vote, they should use the "normal" voting system. if they feel compelled to give a finer vote they should also be able to write some words.

the fact that the "quick" votes and the review overall score is stored and shown seperatly is ment to underline the difference of both ways.
most "quick" votes are probably not really accurate, i guess ppl will always think more seriously about how to vote if they take some time to do it, and the review system should force them to take that time.

about the average ratings for the different parts of the review votes, well that is on the todo list :P
