Increasing the Size of the top 10 rated. [DENIED]

old granted and denied feature requests

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Increasing the Size of the top 10 rated. [DENIED]

Post by Spector567 »

2 ideas:
Like alot of anime users we often get to a point that we have trouble finding a new series to watch. The rating systems are great but still leaves most users seaching through a tonn of anime to find one they like. Since a series could have a rating of 8.00 but still only have 10 votes and 10 people per file. To that end i'd like to suggest 2 improvments/additons help improve the ratings.

1) Increase the size of the top 10 lists (through a separate link). The top ten will forever remain the top ten since they are the most advertised on this site leaving little room for competion. As well it would help show other good and popular animes that didn't make it all the way to the top ten. I'm sure the series that is rated 11 is probally just as good as the series rated #10 but i don't know witch one that is. This would in particular help with the "most users" rating as there is no other way to tell except by visiting each anime individually.

2) a column showing the number of groups that subbed it: This is a more subjective suggestion and may be more trouble than it's worth. Howerver, in my own experience series that alot of groups tried to sub were the best, there was more competion producing mostly better subs and anime. Also if the creators of the subs thought it was good to do even if others were doing it. To me it says something about the anime.
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Post by exp »

have you already tried the advanced search function and have you used the sorting options on the animelist page (i.e. by rating)?
