It has an emule-compatible sources-extension, so that the link ends with ...HASH|/|sources,IP:PORT| and I don't know now if it just slipped through by not truncating the line (and is thus the bug), or if it actually is a feature (which I don't believe to be usefull in such a static way, but that wouldn't belong here).
If it is a feature, then it's not compatible with chii's !addfile and ed2k-dump, because the "hash" doesn't match.
Even the following chat happened (!addfile and !ed2k don't find the file, plus !ed2k doesn't recognise the extended link):
("ed2k://|file|filename|size|hash|/" = "ED2K-LINK" to make the output readable )
Code: Select all
[11:26:05] <wahaha> !file Prince of Darkness S1
<Chii[AR]> FILE: Prince of Darkness - S1 - SoftSubs - English, 160.797 bytes (fid: 7831), ED2K-LINK|sources,|. FILE STATUS: NOT IN LIST
<wahaha> !addfile ED2K-LINK|sources,|
<Chii[AR]> ADDFILE: no such file in db: 160797, dce6f7e2f287020fbff2b6a3635c3df2
<wahaha> !addfile ED2K-LINK
<Chii[AR]> ADDFILE: no such file in db: 160797, dce6f7e2f287020fbff2b6a3635c3df2
<wahaha> !ed2k ED2K-LINK|sources,|
<Chii[AR]> ED2K: Input is not a valid ed2k link: ED2K-LINK|sources,|
<wahaha> !ed2k ED2K-LINK
<Chii[AR]> ED2K: no such file in DB
Since I could also add a file with the extension "|/|test,3487634|", I guess there's the bug, though ^^