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Bad reviews - What to do about it? Suggestions here.

Posted: Mon Jun 30, 2003 8:30 am
by Gambit
[10:36] <PetriW> Sheesh, what's up with voting 6x10...
[10:36] <PetriW> ... att&aid=26
[10:43] <PetriW> well, it might actually be worth all 10s ;)
[10:44] <Gambit|wakingUp> How can that be? The series hasn`t even finished yet.
[10:44] <PetriW> but "adequate sound" != sound: 10
[10:46] <PetriW> This is where a messaging feature would have been nice, "Hello, your review has been deleted beace blah blah, here's your original review:"
[10:46] <wahaha> Maybe an amazon-like rating would be better
[10:46] <wahaha> "Did you find this review useful"
[10:49] <PetriW> Actually, I saw a really good system where you graded the reviews, ie you gave it 1-5 points (3 = average and acceptable, 2 = waste of time, 1 = delete please)... That lead to 5 point reviews being priorized
[10:49] <PetriW> If that was on anidb you could mark the 4-5 average reviews with a green header to make it clearer and maybe even weigh those heavier
So ... is it possible to implement something to rate reviews, and pushing the highest rated review to the top ?
And is there any chance for a 'message user' for someone, to tell them that their reviews are (or going to be) deleted ?

Also, adding a text in a clear-to-see-font/color with:
- All reviews which contain only 1s or 10s will be deleted.
- All reviews that don`t contain any useful info will be deleted. This will be determined by the review guidelines.

A link to those guidelines would be nice too.

I`ll make sure the guidelines will be more clear too.

PS: And while you`re on it ... what about an 'order by date'-button/combobox for the MyReviews ?

Bad reviews - what is (who's) bad?

Posted: Mon Jun 30, 2003 9:32 am
by Missty
Isn't a review just a personal opinion of someone?
If a person thinks an anime is perfect why shouldn't he be able to give it all 10's or all 1's if he thinks everything stinks about it...
There should be some addition to why it is so good or bad of course!

Would be nice if there is a way to check what other things a person has reviewd, so if you agree with one review and it was usefull (I like the usefullness rating ;) ) you can check what other stuff he reviewed.
Kinda what the automated anime hint does but then not automated :D

Posted: Mon Jun 30, 2003 9:38 am
by PetriW
The "Show All" link beside each review is a link to a list of all reviews by that user.

Of course you're ALLOWED to vote all 10 but if you in your review say "the sound was adequate and the animation fairly decent" why would you then give animation and sound 10?

The point is to keep the horrible reviews away and the good reviews in, while a "best anime ever" might be all nice and such it's not a review, it's just a vote spammed into the reviews.

Posted: Mon Jun 30, 2003 8:14 pm
by Ultima
I'd have to agree with gambit. Imho there is no anime that can be rated with all 1s or 10s in every category. Surely you can come close with all 10s and one 9. The only way imo that you can vote 10 is with the overall vote when you can only vote whole numbers 1-10. If your review is like 9.8 or something, then that will reflect in your overall vote because it rounds up to 10. :) As for the description for the anime title, it is a lot better to say "I loved/hated this anime so much because of whatever" than saying "I love/hate this anime." It should be also included in a different color or something like:

"We at AniDB value your opinions and would like for you to help out fellow otakus by at least answering the "So what?" or "Why?" question(s) when placing your own reviews.

Please note that placing 1s and 10s in every category is unacceptable and will be deleted if found. By placing all 10s and 1s in all categories would be actually be a disservice for those seeking good opinions.

Thank you"

That way it would be polite and courteous, and not so much 'in your face'. That way when people get a message that the review was not good, they won't complain.

Posted: Tue Jul 01, 2003 1:56 pm
by Gambit
Another suggestion we came up with was:

Someone who can 'approve' if a review is good enough or not, before publishing it. This will make sure that only decent to good reviews will be allowed. Bad idea if there aren`t any people who want to take up a job which involves that much involvement.

Rate a review
You`ll be able to rate a review, based on the usefullness of the review.
<garandou> hm i guess ppl will rate review that express their opinion high and reviews with the opposite opinion low
I suppose this won`t work either then. The next possibility would become:

Rate a reviewer
To rate a specific person who wrote a review. Leaves the question: what is the best way to show how such a person writes good reviews? Add a rating for the reviewer below the ratings he gave?
Again, if people don`t like the review, they can still give a reviewer a bad mark, making him look bad.

Professional reviewers
Assign a few people who know how to write a good review, and who try to be at least a bit objective in their opinion.

With a rating system it would be possible to let a good rated review(er) be weighted heavier, or the review-list could be prioritized with the highest rated one on top.
A lot of suggestions ... but what do the rest of you guys think ?

Posted: Tue Jul 01, 2003 2:52 pm
by zaufany
The review moderator seems to be the best option.

Professional reviewers:
The professional review can be putted on the main anime page. It is usually putted. The AniDB is open base, so there should be page for reviews from everyone, as it is now.

There is a lot of problems with ratting: the short voting and the reviews. Do we need a new one? If someone finds a good review, he will easy find other reviews from the same AniDB member.

The moderator:
He will be able to delete a hopeless review and put a better one on the top. There is no need to approve each one. Most of them are good enough. I think this work isn’t too hard. There could be also more than one review moderator.


Posted: Tue Jul 01, 2003 4:56 pm
by nwa
I totally agree with Missty in the rating all 10's ..but I am against rating all 1's since that is defintely wrong..there is no way an anime would be THAT bad...if the story sux, the animation should always be over 1.

I agree if someone gives all 10's and just 1 sentece like "Best anime ever!" then it should most certainly be deleted..these kinds of reviews are very common in though and thats why we dont want to end up like them
anyway, if the reviewer gives all 10's AND explains why he did that, then I think it shouldn't be deleted...(yes, I have rated all 10's already to 2 animes...but it seems I have to change the ratings then :( )
So we do need moderators to check them all that we wouldn't have this kind of situation --> ... tt&aid=581 can see only 10' 3 reviews..and that series is still ongoing !!!

I think I could support the idea of Rate a review it will be a big hassle imo though...there is just too many votings then :D
but I don't think that Rate a reviewer would be wise..that may cause competition and jealousy.. :P these reviews are mostly composed of personal opinions... so the voter will probably choose the reviewer that has the same opinion that he has...

Professional reviewers is a pretty good idea though...but that really woudlnt change much...maybe only the knowledge that you can see someone who is "professional" at writing reviews then he would put more weight on that certain individuals review than to the "regular" I support that idea tho...and I already know who to recommend in being the professional reviewers :wink:

Posted: Tue Jul 01, 2003 6:13 pm
by zaufany
"People vote too high." The 10 grade is reserved only for something really special. The review with average rating 9 is suspect too. However, I think the every review with a description can be leaved.

Posted: Tue Jul 01, 2003 6:34 pm
by DonGato
A review is a personal opinion and because of that you can't/shouldn't censor it. I like to know what other things and help me get an idea of the people with likings like mine. The rating as it is now it's ok for me, even by allowing all 10 values. Anyway, I don't pay attention to them without seeing before a couple of eps.

Don't let OTHERS decide what YOU like. ;)

Posted: Tue Jul 01, 2003 9:04 pm
by zaufany
I agree with DonGato.

Posted: Tue Jul 01, 2003 9:14 pm
by nwa
you are practically saying that reviews are unneeded...

Posted: Tue Jul 01, 2003 9:35 pm
by zaufany
Who have said this?

Posted: Tue Jul 01, 2003 9:47 pm
by nwa
DonGato wrote:Anyway, I don't pay attention to them without seeing before a couple of eps.

Don't let OTHERS decide what YOU like.
normally, reviews are ment for ppl to guide you in choosing what to watch or if its worth watching before downloading any episodes...after you have downlaoded a few episodes then indeed YOU decide if you like it or not..but before you havnt really seen it, you must consider what others have thought about it.
but I think we are going a little off-topic here..sorry for my previous post... :P

Posted: Tue Jul 01, 2003 10:10 pm
by DonGato
Reviews are meant as a guide, not a PROFESSIONAL opinion. There is NOT such thing. You can agree more with one opinion or another. In fact we both (nwa) like Escaflowne the movie but most people dislike it. If I followed their advice I wouldn't see it. I don't think that would be a wise choice.

IMHO, for a newbie a review is pointless as he doesn't know the taste of the reviewer. Anyway it's another information useful to make a decision, but not the only one or the better.

The point here is that I still think the system doesn't need a change, because then we will have to review the reviewers of the reviewers. Or you think we would not?

Posted: Tue Jul 01, 2003 10:36 pm
by nwa
hmm..indeed, I didnt consider that Escaflowne the movie thing :D
tastes are different..if someone would follow a review that says this anime sux and you wouldnt watch it but in fact you might like may still watch it but after you have watched the things that had a better rating in reviews, so that wouldnt quite make reviews pointless, not even to newbies
altough there could always be situations like it was with DonGato and me liking Escaflowne the movie, while the ones who reviewed it(not including DonGato of course) hated it...
DonGato wrote:The point here is that I still think the system doesn't need a change, because then we will have to review the reviewers of the reviewers.
thats what I said would be just too much of a hassle...altough it would be nice