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[]s in furigana

Posted: Sun Jul 31, 2005 11:16 am
by rowaasr13
I've noticed recently some MODEDITs changing ()s in furigana to []. I'm pretty sure who exactly is doing this and I wish to say: please, go read JIS or other japanese-related publishing standard, such as W3C's <ruby>. Even if they allow something else than () when placing furigana inline, () is still default and wastly outnumbers anything else in practical use (just check where <rp> tag's name comes from). So, please, change them all back.

Posted: Sun Jul 31, 2005 2:23 pm
by Rar
- You're slow, I've personally been using square brackets since day 1.
- I don't give a shit what W3C say about anything, unless I see the benefit of it.
- Anidb doesn't use <ruby></ruby> tags so we're hardly following the standard anyway.
- () are sometimes used in titles, I've yet to see [] anywhere. We could safely regexp all [] in the database to furi markup, the same is not true of round brackets. That alone is good enough reason to use 'em.


Posted: Sun Jul 31, 2005 9:03 pm
by rowaasr13
<ruby> standard was used as reference you can easily find on web. It is not that easy to dig JIS. It is, of course, in many parts based on JIS.

Same here Rar, I don't give a shit what you personally use. In your romanization proposals, most if not all of them are based on some standard, so discussion is only about what exactly to use. Here you are inventing your own wheel, ignoring what used around the globe almost exclusively. Sorry, but this can't be tolerated. I don't want japanese rarmanization on DB.

If there are plans to actually use []s in future for special furigana mark-up that would be parsed by AniDB and rendered in some standard way (by either printing actual ruby or just replacing it with ()s) then it would be understandable and, I'd say, good change, because it would be printed as in standard typographics in the end, allowing easy furigana identification at same time. But if there are no such plans at all, you are dealing with standard typographic issue that already have well documented solution that is used everywhere and something that is different from it is more a problem than advantage.

Posted: Sun Jul 31, 2005 9:16 pm
by Rar
Okay, we've had a lot of silly arguments over inconsequential things in the past, I really don't want this to be a new chapter of idiotic bickering. Personally, I will recommend a standard that allows unique identification of furigana within the database over one given by the w3c for a completely different purpose. If you wish to do otherwise, feel free.


Posted: Sun Jul 31, 2005 9:43 pm
by rowaasr13
As I've said - if it to be used for technical purposes - then it is good (actually I too use []s in my software that deals with furigana). If not - it is about publishing standards then. And those must be followed on that point, as they are pretty much consistent everywhere.

You are also strangely selective about what things you want to identify uniquely and those that you don't. Why, for example, you want such identification for furigana, but don't want it for romaji, where following wa-puro closely would be solution?

Posted: Sun Jul 31, 2005 11:22 pm
by rowaasr13
Rar wrote:- () are sometimes used in titles, I've yet to see [] anywhere. We could safely regexp all [] in the database to furi markup, the same is not true of round brackets. That alone is good enough reason to use 'em.
Oh, Rar, it seems you did not bother to actually check DB, did you?

It seems to me you just invent excuses on-the-fly to push your changes.

Posted: Sun Jul 31, 2005 11:54 pm
by pelican
rowaasr13 wrote:
Rar wrote:We could safely regexp all [] in the database to furi markup, the same is not true of round brackets.
Oh, Rar, it seems you did not bother to actually check DB, did you?
Not in japanese field.
Fair enough, I guess.
Not in japanese field and rar actually added this one so he certainly does know about it.

Besides, the main issue is episode titles.

Posted: Mon Aug 01, 2005 12:10 am
by Rar
Yeay, rows. on the cleanup warpath. Naturally, it's ep titles that really matter, but let's handle these while we're here.
A bit at a loss as the best way to write this title, as it's basically giving english and jap, and this is for the jap dvd.

Jap title from ジオブリーダーズ to ジオブリーダーズ File-X ちびねこ奪還
Romaji title from Geobreeders to Geobreeders: File-X Chibi Neko Dakkan
Synonym delete Geobreeders: [File-X] Chibi Neko Dakkan
English title add Geobreeders: (File-X) "Get Back The Kitty"
Short title add Geobreeders
Yeah, this is the 'tough shit' case, everything has one. When it comes down to it, the brackets are just leet typography, I can use a different unicode glyph without paining too much. And actualy give the furi while I'm at it.

Jap title from D+VINE[LUV] to D+VINE[LUV][ディヴァイン ラヴ]
That's furi, look at the anidb image. It's also trying to be IPA, which is fun. [ él ] is the same.

Posted: Mon Aug 01, 2005 4:36 pm
by rowaasr13
As long as you continue your rarmanization, breaking almost every single previously reached convention, I'll use every your mistake as excuse to kick your ass.

Rar, your "leet typography" exuse that you seems to use almost everywhere is really old. Please, stuff it where it belongs. Typography is font face, font size, colors and postioning. All symbols that are actually present is title are part of title. If this concept is to hard for you to grasp - just do everyone a favor and stay well away from those titles.

So let's proceed to ass kicking: did I miss something? Where did square brackets go? Rar, do you have problems with your vision or what? And yeah, do you see small letters in "File-X"? And how about part that goes after it?
Rar, don't make me think that you're actually blind and someone is reading you text from those logos and that's the reason why you drop symbols so much and ignore caps. Where are, again, square brackets and caps in title? And what double-width brackets are doing in japanese title when they never were there? Are you not aware of difference between full-width symbols and half-width ones? Are you aware about anything at all, except, perhaps, some basic japanese?

Posted: Mon Aug 01, 2005 5:40 pm
by Ultima
As you are deliberately targeting rar rowaasr13, take this into pm as no one else seems to be putting up complaints except yourself. I really don't see how your sarcastic attitude helps this situation. Thread locked indefinitely or at least until you pm me or a mod with your decision to discuss this issue in a calmer manner.