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Need input for next AOM version (0.5)

Posted: Tue Mar 30, 2004 12:09 pm
by PetriW
The next version of AOM will be 0.5.0 and it will bring some pretty large changes to all treeviews.
Essentially all treeviews will be able to show subnodes. Aka the anime list will be expandable and below the anime level there'll be episodes then below the episodes there'll be files.

All these treeviews will have the same filtering capabilities (with limitations based on what they show) and essentially behave the same. If you want an additional view it might be added but lists with very long root node lists won't happen (aka, no list of episodes or files).

Now here's the crux. The treeviews only support one set of columns for all rows, ie they have to be reused for sublevels, how this works can be seen in the current mylist and this is where you all come in.
I need suggestions for what the columns should show for each view.
What the columns can contain is only limited by your imagination and performance. And I'll do my best to address any performance stuff. ;) Total number of columns doesn't really affect performance.
The columns should be able to show ANY data you can see on AniDB already, if the API doesn't support it yet we post another Feature Request for Exp to burn (j/k).

A sample of how a suggestion should be given, if it gets to wide just split it like shown below:

Code: Select all

Colums:   | Name                            | Dub | Sub | EPs                               | +
Anime:    | anime name                      |  -  |  -  | current eps / total eps + special | +
Episode:  | episode name                    |  -  |  -  | current files / total files       | +
File:     | file id - group name - version  | dub | sub | -                                 | +

Colums:   | Size                      | Length                    | Watched                         | +
Anime:    | total anime mylist size   | total anime mylist length | watched EPs / EPs in mylist     | +
Episode:  | total episode mylist size | episode length            | watched files / files in mylist | +
File:     | file sise                 | -                         | Yes / No                        | +

Colums:   | Rating                         | Reviews                            |
Anime:    | anime vote rating [vote count] | anime review rating [review count] |
Episode:  | -                              |                                    |
File:     | -                              |                                    |
The views affected and their sublevels are:



Groups (new)

Genres (new)

Anime search (alternate titles showed in italics as usual)

Anime details (right click, show anime)

Episode details (right click, show episode)

Group details (right click, show group)

Re: Need input for next AOM version (0.5)

Posted: Thu Apr 01, 2004 12:04 am
by Rar
Not sure how much use I can be here, but a couple of sugestions:
-The 'rating' column could double and file quality
-Groups could have 'name', 'eps' (total number available), 'size' (total file size (minus depreciated?)), 'length' (as eps), 'watched' (as eps), 'rating' (group rating).
-The basic format for all these different types seems pretty much the same, could you reuse the template? Make it cusomizable maybe?
-Are trees realy that worth it over opening a new 'page'?
-Deforestation needs to stop now, or we'll all have to learn to breathe CO2

Zip :D

Posted: Thu Apr 01, 2004 8:14 am
by PetriW
-Are trees realy that worth it over opening a new 'page'?
You can do both, if you prefer to just open a new page AOM will behave just as it does now.

Re: Need input for next AOM version (0.5)

Posted: Thu Apr 01, 2004 9:25 am
by Skywalka
Rar wrote: -Deforestation needs to stop now, or we'll all have to learn to breathe CO2

Zip :D
Last time I checked, I breathed about 75% CO2 and only about 16% Oxygen ^_-

We need to learn how to live without Oxygen, the CO2 is not that big a problem ;)

But I guess before that problem arises we need to find out how to grow any food when the oceans are covering all the land and hurricanes are blowing the rest of the good earth away. It will all be just the same way the coming Roland Emmerich film shows! Doomsday is upon us all! The end is near! Everyone hold up one sandal and shant his name!


Posted: Tue Apr 13, 2004 5:14 pm
by FoRCe
You could make a option in the renaming, so when you select it that it can rename files to the orrigional filename(the onces the group used when releasing it)

btw your application rocks :)

Posted: Tue Apr 13, 2004 6:52 pm
by egg
FoRCe wrote:You could make a option in the renaming, so when you select it that it can rename files to the orrigional filename(the onces the group used when releasing it)
How do you know how the group originally named it??? Even in BT links from group websites for many groups if you look through a series there may be inconsistencies in the naming...
FoRCe wrote:btw your application rocks :)
Agreed. :lol:

Posted: Sun May 02, 2004 4:56 am
by Guest
Last time I checked, I breathed about 75% CO2 and only about 16% Oxygen ^_-
Last time I checked, the earths atmosphere was about 78% Nitrogen and 20% Oxygen, and less than 1% Carbon Dioxide. I dont know what planet you are from :wink:


And also, AOM is awsome and I eagerly anticipate the next version.[/url]

Posted: Mon May 03, 2004 12:30 pm
by Skywalka
Woops, sorry, of course I meant "Stickstoff" -> Nitrogen :)

I was thinking about NOx .

Though Wikipedia confused me a bit now :-)