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Automatically start ed2k downloads/enqueue them? [ONTODO]

Posted: Thu Mar 04, 2004 5:44 am
by azntimm
How's this for an idea.. I was sitting in my room explaining to my brother how cool the AniDB client was after trying it for the first time and he was rather confused and said, "So this thing will automatically download anime for you or something as it comes out?" To which I replied, "No, not at all.. WAIT!"

Perhaps based on what anime and what group's releases you're interested in, could the AniDB O'Matic client be set to automaticly download those files from ed2k? You'd specify the anime title, and the group and maybe you could specify valid CRC only, or no invalid CRCs, or new episodes only, or something; and then it would automatically add these files to your ed2k/eMule client just like clicking on ed2k links in html or adding them through the right-click context menu in the current client..

For me this would be great, because I'm at school almost all day, and if some group is releasing a series weekly, I'd like to add it for download as soon as the ed2k is listed in the db (and as soon as my client gets an update from the db...) so I can get the chance to have it finished by the time I get home, instead of manually adding it when I get home and waiting a day or two to finish it. This would work well for those of us with broadband, even if you get a false start every once in a while, it wouldn't be the end of the world since I imagine most people just connected to ed2k don't max out their download anyways.

But for others, to whom bandwidth is precious but they'd like for the client to catch all of the files they're interested in and ask if they'd like to download, you could have a sort of 'passive' mode, that just collects a list of files based on the criteria you set and then the user would manually decide to begin downloading those. Sort of like the "MyNotifies" as found on the web interface, but the client would either act on them automatically as it connects to the DB and finds them or would keep a running list of all the files that it tags as 'interesting' based on what you've set the client up to look for.

The bonus to this is versus just using the MyNotify feature on the website is that since you can run aniDB O'Matic in the background all the time it can check for files constantly and act on them, compared to the website which requires manual action. Also it could keep a list of files you want to download until you decide to purge it, unlike the MyNotifies, which will pop up a box once for a file and then never again after it's closed. It's sort of similar to the up2date function on the site, but more robust and with the ability to automatically react to dynamic database changes..

Is this over the top, too much work for too little payoff? Or does it seem like I think it's more useful than it really is? 8O

Posted: Thu Mar 04, 2004 9:06 am
by PetriW
Hehe, I like the idea. :)
Main problem is that I want you to be able to have to same notifies in AOM as in AniDB but the API does not support them yet. When the API adds support for notify list and wishlist I'll keep this in mind as it's exactly in line with what I want AOM to be able to do.