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5.6.241 not updating mylist correctly [NOBUG]

Posted: Thu Dec 29, 2005 4:48 am
by Yangster
After file has been hased, AOM will not update mylist if the file is already present on mylist, even if the state of the file is to be changed. To clarify, if you have AOM add file to mylist as oncd, and the file is already in mylist as onhdd, the status wont be updated automatically after you hash the file, you have to manually add/update mylist, inorder for AOM to update it. I would think this is a bug not a feature request, because all previous versions have always worked right.

Posted: Thu Dec 29, 2005 5:37 am
by PetriW
AOM has never done this, hence this is not a bug.

Posted: Thu Dec 29, 2005 7:43 am
by Yangster
Hm...thats odd because it did this in all the prior versions, and it seems like it broke in the new version, unless this feature was actually a bug? :lol:

THinking about it a little more i think this question may get down to the problem. How exactly does the "add new file to mylist" option work and have you made any modification to it since the last version? Because it seems to me that on the previous versions, it either indiscrimnately updates teh mylist, and in the new version it checks first, maybe?

Posted: Thu Dec 29, 2005 4:12 pm
by PetriW
In previous versions there was something called "Update known data" which has similar functionality, this was removed because users didn't understand the feature and in the process ruined their mylist.
It should be stated in the changelog when it was removed.

"Add new file to mylist" does exactly what it says it does. ;)

Posted: Fri Dec 30, 2005 4:27 am
by Yangster
okay, so now i know this is drifting into a feature request, but i figuer it would be better then starting another thread :P . So any chance of in the next version have the option instead of just add "new" files, it will be add/edit to my list? Or was this the feature that was messing up peoples mylists? It's useful because i move my files around from dl to burn, so i kind of use AOM as a transfer integrity check, and let it do my bookeeping automagically.

Posted: Fri Dec 30, 2005 7:14 am
by PetriW
It won't be part of any 0.5 version at least, it might be reintroduced but if so it'll have to be in some way where users won't misuse it half the time.