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Tweleve Kindoms

Posted: Mon Jun 18, 2007 12:46 am
by Slanter
I'v been looking for a good form to fined info and to help others with question that I know. I hope this is one.
I guess I'll ask question to start with.

I just finish watching a really good Anime called Twelve Kindoms. The question is there going to be more? or was that the end of it?
I have seen this thing, that coming out on the 19th called Collection 2. It says.. But I think that is just 2 dvd split up. mean 1-23 collection 1 -- collection 2. 24-45.
I Feel there was no real end to this anime. I guess it could have, end the way it did.. But there so many more questions that they didn't even get into.
I have spent about 4 hours try to fined out if there will be more on this anime. I have had no luck :( Please post or send me email at
Thank you for your time

sign, Matthew

Posted: Mon Jun 18, 2007 6:34 am
by Tsumuji
The anime of The Twelve Kingdoms is based on a novel of Fuyumi Ono.
As far as I know, the novel (a serie of 12 or more books) never finished as Fuyumi started focusing on a different book.

If you want to know more to the history of The Twelve Kingdoms, you should read the novels. I don't think there will be anymore episodes of the anime show, the main story about Yoko and the Kingdom of Kei ended, and I think one of the reasons the show ended, was because Yoko wouldn't be the main-charactor anymore.

I too hope to see another act of The Twelve Kingdoms, but we'll have to wait for Fuyumi Ono to gain her interest in writing another chapter of this great story. It could take years so don't get your hopes too high. :wink:

Hope I was of help with my oppinion
