I just watched the school rumble ova (SPOILERS)

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I just watched the school rumble ova (SPOILERS)

Post by ApathyEcstasy »

edit: in retrospect..not really..anyone with 2 braincells to rub together could've predicted this without watching the ova

it looks like it's set after season 1 rather than being a prequel

also, it looks like they're moving towards harima and yakumo being a potential couple (originally, yakumo couldn't read harima's thoughts because he wasn't attracted to her..in one scene where he spontaneously falls for her while she's helping him with his manga, she suddenly is able to read his thoughts and new-found feelings for her and it looks a HELLUVA lot like she's falling for him too..(they already did the same thing with harima and eri in season 1) so school rumble is looking more and more like it's becoming one of those typical animes with 1 lame guy and multiple girls that are crazy about him

in conclusion..nothing really changes or conclusively happens between any of the characters..

edit: shallow plastic japanese entertainment ftw! (for the win)