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How do I.. Add EPs without any sources?

Posted: Fri Jun 06, 2003 12:26 pm
by Primergy

I added ... me&aid=778
i dont own this anime (yet).. but i already got all Episiode-Titles here from an EP-Guide! Now id like to add the Episodes without a Source!
(like the last ones in the One-Piece listing)

Is there something ive to regard?! Having no File-Informations the
EP-entries would look incomplete and ugly...
-> just want to add the titles for the Episodes! :roll:


Posted: Fri Jun 06, 2003 2:44 pm
by wahaha

That greatly fits to the way the infos are stored here ^^, the files can easily be added later.
Every "episode-entry" here has a only a few values: The ep-number, the title, the ep-length and the release-date. While you don't have to know the release-date (just leave it out), it would be good to already attach the ep-length, because it's tiresome to change that (somewhat interesting) information later. I assume all eps have nearly the same length and that you can easily find that information somewhere(tm) in the internet. ;)

Hint: Since you have a lot of titles, use the "Mass Add"-function right next to the "Add episode"-link. Just leave out every box besides first two right of each ep-number.
Line 1 would be "1" - "Ingram Activated" - "25" (or whatever the length is), and so on. (Ignore all the stuff on top of that page - its only for file-entries.)