This system is very new and likely to contain random features. If you think that you have been denied access unjustified, please contact an AniDB moderator or post on the support/bugreport forum.
In order to minimize serverload AniDB tries to prevent automated accesses and "crawling"
of the AniDB website. You have exceeded the per user limit for AniDB accesses.
You will not be allowed any more page loads for the time being.
Please contact an AniDB moderator in the Support Forum or on IRC to have your access rights
restored or come again another day.
For more information look at:
AniDB AntiLeech Documentation
AniDB Support Forum
I wasn't leeching...
I was doing creq only.
Can somebody helps me?
It's a new... feature. Mostly affects people not logged in, but heavy users like you, millo, worf, who seem to spend half their lifes throwing data at anidb might run into it too. When you do, it's a sign you need to go and get some fresh air.