Reviews are fucked up [DENIED]

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Reviews are fucked up [DENIED]

Post by Xanth »

Current review scoring is fucked up. It counts the total score from the average of (animation+sound+story+character+value+enjoyment), which is just stupid. I know animenfo uses this same system, but that doesn't really make it the 'right' way.

So, how about adding an 'overall' rating, and make that one count as the 'total' score.. that way the reviews might make a bit more sense. Otherwise I'm tempted to put the real sub-ratings in the review text, and fill all the rating dropdowns with the 'overall' value.
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Post by zaufany »

I think the Enjoyment or Value is the overall rating.
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Post by Xanth »

zaufany wrote:I think the Enjoyment or Value is the overall rating.
Yeah, well, it should be, but for now it's calculated as the average from ALL the values. Which is what I'm bitching about :)
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Post by Gambit »

Isn`t the 'overall rating' a normal 'vote'?
Why reviewing if the other stuff isn`t counted in anyway? If you want to vote an overall mark, then do a 'vote', that`s what it is for :P
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Post by exp »


I guess we could include some other way of calculating the votes together. But i never the less think that we should use all ratings to generate the overall rating.
But maybe we should think about giving enjoyment and value a higher impact on the overall rating.

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Post by Xanth »

Sorry if I sounded a bit extreme, seems I was posting drunk again ;)

Anyways, my point was something like (or ign reviews in general) have used for years, with the subcategories scored as is, but the overall score specified separately and not being an average.

That way it's possible to review the subcategories 'honestly' even we feel the overall value is very high (or very low). And it can also be debated if all the subcategories should have the same weight, like exp mentioned.
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Post by Gambit »

Xanth wrote:Anyways, my point was something like (or ign reviews in general) have used for years, with the subcategories scored as is, but the overall score specified separately and not being an average.
Like I said, an 'overall score', wouldn`t that classify itself as a 'vote' ? In a review you`re gonna dive into the specifics, therefor giving ratings for different parts in the anime.
Adding an 'overall score' would just be the same score as 'vote', imho and therefor a bit useless to me.
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Post by theMug »

A review for me is a means to either get or convey further information on an anime, to get an idea WHY it is good or bad. The text in there is much more important than the rating.

The problem with the current voting in reviews is, that an honest vote for an anime with sub-average animation and sound, that is otherwise superb, would lead to a low rating, reflecting poorly on it.

This is one of the reasons you find strange ratings in reviews, as they are often used by the reviewers to push an anime (or make it look bad). I do not go to the extremes but even I refrain from giving real honest marks (adding or subtracting 2 points or so) to convey my real feelings in the overall score.

A solution for this would either be a seperate overall rating or a much heavier emphasis on "value".