Client available?

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Client available?

Post by authority »

I've scanned through FAQ and can't find what I'm looking for. Is there a client for this site available for download? If I have it can I download the episodes I see listed on a site? I always just new this place was awesome for reviews and finding a picture and short summary of any anime I ever heard listed of anywhere and came here to look stuff up. If I could use it to get the anime (because going through the fansubbers site to try to get the anime generally results in hell, wanting to gouge out my eyes, utter boredom waiting, suffering through trying to use mIRC to connect to fserves (which sux when your bad with mIRC, which is choked anyway because im living in a dorm and the college is a bunch of ****suc***s)
I would be so happy to be able to download. I'd pay a monthly fee / suggested donation if you needed to call it that (for legal reasons).
I've been fairly upset about not being able to get anime *grr*
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Post by PetriW »

IMPORTANT - READ THIS BEFORE POSTING (concerning downloads) wrote:We do not provide ed2k, bittorrent or download support here!

AniDB does NOT offer any files for download.

All questions about ed2k/bittorrent/... links/clients/servers/whatever will be locked or removed without warning.